Balancing Body, Breath & Voice
27th - 29th
@Wildways Retreat Centre​
by September 15th £222
£250 after
Meet the Synthesis workshop facilitators

Neil Pinnock
​After studying many years of embodied practice with Tai Chi and yoga, Neil had an ecstatic awaking to the pure delight of dance in India in 1999. By 2001 he had discovered the 5Rhythms and knew instantly that he had found his home and practice. Neil trained with the founder, Gabrielle Roth and was accredited in 2008, he has been rocking cities and forests ever since with his wild wisdom, magic facilitation and tender hearted teaching presence.
"Neil has an alchemical way of weaving magic with a solid psychotherapeutic holding. A great teacher and facilitator. Cheeky, talkative and insightfully pure. How lucky we are he's on his path"

Nathalia Westmacot
Nathalia’s powerful journey from head to heart started through Rebirthing breathwork in 2000. This sparked a deep passion for breathing with conscious awareness, which led to training in a range of breathwork modalities including Integrative Breath Therapy and Holographic Breathing. Nathalia’s therapeutic approach is influenced by Jungian Archetypes and Shadow work and includes Shamanic practices that invite a deep connection and reverence for the earth, the animals and the elements.
“Nathalia is inspired to live, grow and dance
from a place of soft presence, one breath at a time.”

Ruana Xerri - West
Ruana has a lifelong passion to sing with a love of the land and spirit. She offers a variety of singing retreats, workshops and song circles that are fully inclusive, no experience required! Through Vocal Improvisation Ruana allows you to unleash your creativity, your bravery and your authentic voice in an embodied way. You will be guided in how to express the sound of now through connection with your body and trusting your vocal impulses. You may even find an ancestral voice or the sound of an element or tree. Ruana creates a safe, caring and gentle space which allows you to feel confident to express yourself fully through Vocal Improvisation.
​“I feel blissfully contented and nurtured from Ruana's retreat, like I’ve just received a huge hug from the combined energy of everyone’s voices.”
5Rhythms Dance - the connecting factor​
5-Rhythms is the reason these three facilitators know each other. 5Rhythms dance has been an important resource supporting all of their personal and work development. The group have a friendship which has been a treasured part of their learning and growth over the years and which now is blossoming into a collaborative relationship to support other peoples growth and development through the synthesis of their offerings.
Synthesis - our invitation to you.​
First and foremost it's about Embodiment. As human beings we have been given the gift of this amazing, holistic body being made of conscious awareness, an array of senses, the breath of life and a body and voice to express ourselves through. If we want to live fully then synthesizing all of these parts of ourselves is the task we have been given. During the weekend you will be supported by the facilitators through modalities that will bring you to physical movement / body and dance, conscious embodied breathing to ground and enliven you and through vocal improvisation to help you access and express through the voice and sound. We will also be working close to the land at Wildways to enhance our connection to the natural world and seasons. In combination land and learning will guide and invite you to a more fully present embodiment of who you are.
What to expect over the weekend
The weekend will offer a range of practices through stand alone workshop sessions in 5Rhythms, breath work and vocal improvisation
as well as an opportunity to experience a collaborative synthesis of the modalities. Sessions will take place both in the yurt and out on the land.
Working with the season and the theme of the Autumn Equinox, you will also be given an an opportunity to partake in a ritual offering designed to bring more balance an attunement through an embodied creative expression of our relationship to the whole.
Though the workshop will be intimate with a maximum of 16 participants, there will be plenty of space on the land too.
Who the workshop is for
If you want to have a taster of a more embodied and expressive version of yourself then this workshop is for you.
If you want to connect to others in community in a more authentic way - this workshop is for you.
If you desire to spend a weekend in a beautiful wooded location with great teachers and 'real' people, this weekend is for you.
Wildways - the venue
Located in the beautiful Severn valley, Wildways is a sacred and special retreat centre in a haven of natural wilderness.
With fields & woodlands, a babbling brook and central fire, Wildways has indoor and outdoor facilities for all. These include sauna and showers, dancing yurt space, dining room and kitchen. There is a celtic roundhouse, stone circle and a range of sleeping options from camping to indoor communal. There are a few single or couple spaces if booked early.
We will begin on Friday evening to gather and share food. 5Rhythms will ground us at the venue and on Saturday we will move through the day with workshops, food and connection to the land and each other. On Sunday we will weave our final offering before a communal tidy up and a round of farewells, wrapping up by 4pm to head home. Over the weekend food will be communal bring and share
Earlybird by September 15th £222
£250 after