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I love 5Rhythms.

5Rhythms has brought to me such freedom and acceptance of myself, that I am forever grateful to Gabrielle Roth and all my teachers on the way. 5Rhythms is more than a dance, it's an embodied path that guides us through the light and the dark, to the human heart and the beauty of becoming out true selves. What a gift.

As a student of this practice, if any of my insights and offerings can support you on your journey in some way, then I feel honored to be of service to you and this work. Take them freely, though if you feel moved and have the means to support, your generosity is much appreciated. You can either donate to support other dancers through the bursary scheme below, or offer a gratuity to me through my 'Coffee Shop' by clicking the purple heart and buying me a 'big thank you'.  With love and thanks, Neil x

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Embodied Heart Bursary Fund

Please support

The bursary fund was established with the sole purpose of supporting any student with financial difficulties to access the offerings of Embodied Heart.

It runs solely from the generosity of the community, from individuals like yourselves donating to the cause, either directly here, when booking workshops or by

supporting fundraising events. Every £ donated goes to the fund.

If you are able please be generous to support others.

Donate here
If you would like make a donation
please send payment by Bank Transfer to
Neil Pinnock (business account)
Sort: 60-83-71 Account: 28214625
(use  'BURSARY' as ref)
If you pay on Paypal - please also email me so that I know it is for the Bursary Fund.

Neil's Personal 'Thank You' Fund


If you feel touched, engaged, inspired or enlivened by any of my teachings, waves, videos or musical offerings, then do know that I'm always open to receive your generosity.

Feel free to 'buy me a coffee' here







I'd also love to hear from you with any of your insights, artworks, musings or questions from your own 5Rhythms journey, so do feel free to drop me a line.


Testimonials and feedback are always welcome. Thank you, Neil


Bursary Fund


The bursary fund is available to support any dancer who may be experiencing financial difficulties, and who wishes to participate in events and offerings with Embodied Heart and Neil Pinnock.


Rule of Thumb

Generally a bursary of up to 50% can be applied for to assist dancers. If more is needed from the fund, applications may be considered in exceptional circumstances.



If you are in need and would like to have some financial support then write an email with details of the course, class or event you would like to attend and a short letter about your circumstances. Thank you

Email here



"The bursary has made it possible for me to get access to Neils dance classes and this has been, quite possibly the most transformative time of my life. Dance has been a huge part of my life during lock down. I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that the bursary has given me and will hopefully continue to give to those who can benefit from such generosity."

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